I would like to talk about Yorch’s blog (Jorge Icarte) http://englishyorch.blogspot.com/. I think that he love it because he is change it all time, the background, the color or other thing. The name is very obvious, boring but very identifiable because all people say he Yorch , and we are in English class !
He try to write every weeks and he has 11 post about lot of thing, I think that he has to improve his spelling and his grammar because sometimes he has a lot of mistakes, and I know that I have to do the same. I think he has to change its background because it is very ugly and when I see that, I have to close my eyes because is very bright, I think that maybe he could to put just one color or other images less bright
I love his post about Pichidangui, I don’t know why because I’ve never been there, I think maybe because I would like to go there and enjoy it with my friend like he does with his friends, I think that is a really nice place but I have to visit it for have better opinion about it, other post that I like it is the second or third when he talk about his favorite movies because when I listen other people talk about Lilo & Stich immediately I think in him.